Fur has been used for warmth for millenia, but in the medieval period it was often an expensive fashion statement.
 Late 15thC Short Pleated Gown |
 Late 15thC Middle Class Gown |
 15thC Short Fur-Trimmed Wool Gown |
 15thC Short Fur-Trimmed Wool Gown – Back view |
 Late 15thC fur-trimmed gown
 Late 15thC Burgundian Gown
 Late 15thC Gown |
Related Searches: 14th Century, 15th Century, Menswear, Womenswear
 Long Leg (Pipe) Braies |
Braies (or Breeches) were the innermost layer of mens clothing. They fill in the gap between single leg hose in the 13th and 14th centuries. As hose became fuller, braies got smaller.There are no surviving examples of braies as linen rots away too quickly. All these examples are “best guesses” worked out from pictorial evidence.
Long leg braies were worn between single leg hose. “Boxer” braies are an alternative pattern for the same garment, with less fullness in the rear.
15th century braies are worn under joined hose, the Italian braies are seen in paintings from the end of the 15th century.
Braies £35 |
 “Boxer” braies |
 15th Century Braies |
 15th Century Italian Braies |
Related Searches: 13th Century, 14th Century, 15th Century, Menswear
 13th/14th Century Single Leg Hose and Braies |
Hose began as simple foot coverings and extended upwards covering more of the leg.
During 13th and much of the 14th century hose were single-legged garments (split hose) with long legged (pipe) braies filling the gap between. Hose fasten directly to the waistband (breech girdle) of the braies. Single leg hose (pair) £75, footed £95 |
 13th/14th Century Single Leg Hose (parti-coloured) |
Related Searches: 13th Century, 14th Century, Menswear
 Short-sleeved wool kirtle (fully lined)- £265 |
The kirtle is a foundation garment worn over a linen shift; intended to act as bust support, it needs to be a snug fit. Over this would be worn a gown or an overkirtle for working women.
Prices vary (according to options below) from £165
Choose from:
Wool or linen – lined or unlined
Laced (front, back or sides) or buttoned (14th century)
Long sleeves or short sleeves (with or without oversleeves – £20)
Overkirtle (pull-on, slightly looser fit) |
 Short-sleeved wool overkirtle (fully lined) £215 |
 Short-sleeved linen kirtle – £165 |
 Short-sleeved wool kirtle – £265 |
 Unlined wool kirtle £215 |
 Short-sleeved wool overkirtle – £215
Related Searches: 14th Century, 15th Century, Kirtle, Shift, Womenswear
 Hood £45 |
The medieval hood is a garment born out of practicality; cold weather-wear turned fashion item. The liripipe (the point at the back of the head) was extended until it reached outrageous proportions by the end of the 14th Century.During the next century, the hood returned to being just a useful protective garment in bad weather. |
 Hood |
 15thC Ladies Hood £35 |
Ladies wore an open hood over a tightly tied coif or headrail. |
 14th Century Ladies Hood £25 |
Related Searches: 13th Century, 14th Century, 15th Century